Looking for a male actor for the roll of Andrew in a pyscological thriller set in 1950's.
Andrew -
- A Man aged between 20-25 or looks within these ages
- Must be comfortable with romantic interactions with the Elizabeth character (hugging and maybe kissing on the cheek at the most, subject to discussion )
- Preferably natural hair colour
- Any tatoos or face percings been to be able to be covered.
- Must be comfortable with wearing SFX make up (patch tests will be carried out before filming )
Filming will take place within a week in Febuary 2023( yet to be confirmed) , this is an unpayed role, however costume and makeup will be provided.
If interested please email the director Issy at issytruman01@gmail.com with an up to date headshot and acting portfolio, if no portfolio is available please email asking for the script and you will be aksed to provide a self tape.
Thank You :)