Monologues. Very easy things are monologues. It's a lot easier to learn lines when it's all on you. I believe I learnt mine on the same day I chose it, the monologue itself being Mike Ehrmentraut's 'Half Measures' scene from the episode with the same name - Breaking Bad S3 E12 'Half Measures'
Problem is, learning the lines is easy enough but actually being able to perform it to a good standard is something I can't quite do yet. Having watched the recording a few times, I do admit, it did start to grow on me but I still see one very big point of improvement. That being my vocalisation. Unfortunately, my voice isn't quite as deep or gravelly as Johnathon Banks' (Mike's actor) so I was already at a disadvantage and a huge problem is that when you hear your own voice as you speak it sounds very different on a recording. Saying that, even whilst performing it I could still tell there were moments were my voice was particularly weak and, especially, lacking in emotion and tone.
I do think my facial expressions were certainly on point, I think that has to be my strongest asset. Funny, I always thought I had a particular stoic and boring face but it seems to be rather good at doing what I tell it to do. Most of the time that's looking very angry and upset, the joys of my natural face. This is why I think screen acting is something I'm much stronger at than stage acting, even though I do enjoy both I often find myself feeling very overwhelmed on stage as there's so much movement and activity I have to remember to do whereas on screen I can have much more subtle movements. Considering myself a far more low-key actor, I think screen acting is a 'strong point' of mine.
Though, let's be honest, it would be incredibly big headed of me to say I have any 'strong points' at such an early point in the course. I've got a lot to prove at this point.
This is really honest and thoughtful reflection. It's good to read you identify clear areas for development. I'm enjoying your developing writing style too. Keep at it!