Hi my fellow students ,
I am filming my next feature film "Nothing Goes" in Janurary and i need your help please ,
12th janurary 9am -12 noon , 20 x extras needed , at the Showroom cinema , all is required is to watch one of ,my films
while i film the actors on a shoot . ask your friends too !!!
Sorry i cannot pay as i am a student too, but i can add you on the credits and you will be on IMDb page .
12th Janurary afternoon 3 x actresses (18-25) shooting a party scene in Dronfield , there will be transport availible .
Again Sorry i cannot pay as i am a student too, but i can add you on the credits and you will be on IMDb page .
This is my second Feature film , it will be sent to film festivals once edited ,check out my last film its availible on Amazon .
"A Touch Of Vengence" i completed this film for my degree when i was 21 years old it has won a few awards .
I also have two more feature films and one short film planned for 2023 ready to go ,so please get intouch .
thank you for reading my post Jordan-Kane Lewis