the discovery

the discovery

when we first got the task to create an audio work for the amphitheatre I didnt even know it was a place. So when we wnet in our class break i was plaesed to discover its right next to wear i live. When i visisted I made sure to take olots of pictures so when it came to writing our script i knew what to talk about. 

When we first got put into our groups it was only me and Rebecca who were in, we satrted making outlandish ideas about what our piece could entail. All of these were ideas we were not sure if we would use as we were just having fun being creative, however once we told our group about the idea we had,  about an alien crash landing years into he future, they loved it so we chose to go with it. Although it was a silly idea we thought we could still get some true historic facts in, that was the birth of my charater Gwendeline. she was an old woman born in 1780, she was from the past, as Sams character was from the furture we thoight to balence this Rebecca could play herself right now in the present moment. We chose molly to be the tour guide and introduce us all to the audeince. togther we wrote the script on a collabarative word document and all recored individually. Sam was very up for editing especially as it was mainly his bit with any editing. 

i think our idea worked as it took in all three ideas our lechurer said about, one being true historic facts hich were told by me about the train station, two being made up facts which was told to us by Sam as the alien and lastly to take in the scenary and surroundings which was told by Rebecca. "How can performance reveal alternative layers to the reality of a landscape?" we incoperated every element of the space we could see and i think we were sucessful at capturing the audeinces attention and being entertaining, during feedback we learned the class enjoyed our use of sound and voice effects and how engaging and realit made the performance feel. And carry the site specific element of the breif throught out the text.

overall voice work isnt usually something I gravitate towards howver becaus ethis was quick and easy it felt fine to do, my favourite parts however was just comming up with ideas not the actual voice acting part. I think this is because i just done it from my room and perhaps if i were in a real recording studio voicing a character i liked more i would feel more creative and feel like i participated in more acting than I do now. 


Four Principles about Site-Specific Theatre: a Conversation on Architecture, Bodies, and Presence | JHUP Theatre

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  • Great picture, and a fascinating read! Willl you be sharing the finished audio? 

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