The Rainbow Connection

Rainbow connections. Hope, dreaming and other general goodness. I've had a lot of these things happen since starting my acting course. Did I mention I was on an acting course? Well I have now, you're welcome darlings. 

Stay a while and listen.

We've had some rather interesting lessons so far, all of them have been incredibly helpful. Whether it comes down to the importance of companionship and teamwork, how to clear your airways with vocal exercises or on how to make a strong social media presence and an equally strong online portfolio. Which is, exactly what I'm doing right now. 

It really made me remember all my singing lessons, my vocal coach was an opera singer you see, so I understand the importance of proper posture and clearing your airways to keep your voice as strong as possible. Though, I admit, I have been out of practice for a while and being reminded of these exercises was incredibly helpful. I especially love using 'image training' to imagine your voice as something physical, it really helps the muscles out. Image training being a type of exercise mainly used in martial arts. I believe? 

Though, the importance of creating a safe, comfortable and friendly environment is absolutely key to anything in life. Especially something as emotional as performance. I am very happy to say that all the people I have met are fantastic actors and even better people and I'm very happy to have met them all. I honestly can't wait to continue acting and interacting with them. Wonderful people honestly. 

For the portfolio business? I admit, I'm rather experienced with all that. Since last year, give or take, I've made a social media presence for myself with my art work and comics. Though that has taken a back-seat to university, I'm still trying to get back into it. If anybody is interested, search up 'Maindesinge' to see my artwork. 

Still, sometimes it's very useful to be reminded of things like this as I mentioned with the vocal exercises. Perhaps people will ask for help? I've always wanted to help and inspire people so it really would be some good practice for me. 

[[Rainbow Connection. Jim Henson, 1979. Written for the Muppet‘s movie.]]

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pink, pink, pink !

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