The Wild Card

The Wild Card

Whether I'm singing, acting or completely glamming myself up for the fun of it; there's nothing that I'm a stranger to when it comes to presenting myself in some 'unorthodox' way. 

At 14, I began dabbling with music thus a performer was born. When I was 18, I began to perform live whether this be for my college course or, later, performing live solo performances for my first job. My acting, technically, began at 10 years old when I found myself in a large role in the leaver's performance of Fame. 

That gorgeous photo you see? As I'm currently beginning to regrow my hair, it may be slightly innacurate for now but thankfully there are such things as wigs and a lot of patience. If someone ever asked me to summarize myself in a single photo then I would choose this without a second thought. The gruff, gorilla physique mixed with sensitivity and a strong sense of confidence and 'glam' is exactly what I am about. As I said, I am truly the 'wild card'. 

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  • I was looking through the blog posts they are all interesting but this one stood out to me. I like how you have used a good picture and title! 

  • Fantastic image, Sam! I instantly want to know much more about your practice. I am also enoying the playful tone that is coming through in your written voice. I look forward to seeing how this voice develops with your next blog.

    • I should've chosen a much more recent image but, I can't lie, I think it's an amazing picture so I had to use it!

This reply was deleted.

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pink, pink, pink !

in the first week or two of this moudle we would start building our websites, putting everything we would need to reach and show casting directors and agents. 

I was lucky and had already built a mostly finsished website in my previous…

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First year reflection

Coming here I was already prepared in terms of this module. In college we made websites and shot showreels and headshots, when this module started I really did want to refine my brand and website as I knew there was still much more I could do to…

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"a cabbage?!"

"feels like fragments of a mosaic" - The Guardian 2019 is a beautiful way of describing this play.

When me and Mae were first told we would be doing a duologue together we were really pleased. We know we are reliable and can work well…

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Voice actors needed for audio comedy!

Second year screenwriting students need voice cast for their audio narrative series:

Gene B. Hammerfist - Middle aged, cocky and narcissistic (The host of the radio show "Hammerfisted")
Clive - The shows producer…
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Mankind's Soundboard

We were given an instruction and introduction to Foley sound, the art of creating sound effects using sometimes bizarre methods that actually create rather genuine sounds. A particular example of this bizarreness was to use the crunching of…

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Today we experimented with foley sound. This was my  first experience doing things like this. This morning we learned about how the experts use different things to create everyday sound. " using everyday objects to create realistic sound effects,…

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(I)t came from outer space...

Our newest piece of work was the creation of an audio performance, an audio tour to be specific. The brief was to create one based on the Sheffield ampitheatre that combined actual historical facts as well as some original information, which is…

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