I have heard the sentence before that writers are the worst procrastinators, but working on this show was nowhere near this statement as writers and performers worked this week from 10-4 pm each day to produce this show.
What we did in this project is different from what I thought we would be doing. So here is what we did this week:
We played games to know each other, and we poked holes in the story and discussed it. If I had played some variation of those games in my zoom class, I would have known who my class fellows are. To this day, except for a few, I have no clue about them, and my first semester is over. :(
Day 2, 3 and 4
We divided into groups of two to three and enacted the scenes of the play. Different groups created a different version of that scene. Everyone performed well, and we got to know what could work and what could not. I think I am now proficient in the game of charades. But the question if students are putting so much effort into creating quality content, then how come filmmakers with vast resources create the worst film?
Day 5
We saw how the scenes look, and finally, we started drafting narrations. But as everyone was working on a laptop, my dream of throwing rough drafts into the bin was not accomplished. Alas! However, I am hopeful as we will be working next week till the show is live.